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South Africa, Human Rights, Immigration Laws Felicity Ronna Mthombeni South Africa, Human Rights, Immigration Laws Felicity Ronna Mthombeni

Reflections on the possible implications of using the term ‘illegal foreigner’ or ‘illegal immigrant’ in South Africa’s immigration policies.

It was Sharma Robin who said words can inspire, and words can destroy, choose your words carefully. The power of words within our communities and legal spaces can never be understated. In this article, Felicity critically analyzes the use of the word ‘illegal foreigner’ within the South African legislative framework. She argues that the term holds a criminal undertone that can fuel stigmatisation, discrimination, and ultimately results in the violation of people’s human rights. Felicity advocates for the amendment of the Immigration Act .

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South Africa, Human Rights, Immigration Laws Christine Hobden South Africa, Human Rights, Immigration Laws Christine Hobden

The Zimbabwean Exemption Permit and the Boundaries of Citizenship

In this week’s post, Dr. Hobden tackles an ongoing situation on Zimbabwean Exemption Permits (ZEP). The ZEP is a special permit allocated to undocumented Zimbabwean migrants to legalize their stay in South Africa. In a way, she is persuaded that the ZEP is revelatory of the boundaries of citizenship in South Africa. She argues that the ZEP issue demonstrates SA’s overtly rigid stance towards access to citizenship within the Republic.

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